Xbox 1 Controller Driver Windows 7 64 Bit

Beginning today, new PC drivers for the Xbox One controller will be available for download, offering PC gamers a better way to play using the Xbox One controller. We’re planning to release the drivers as part of a Windows update in the near. Jan 22, 2017 - The device drivers should install correctly now, and you'll be able to play your nerdy games with no dirty edits to the file. On my Windows 7, my Xbox One controller works both, via USB 2.0. I know this question is almost a year old, but there is an easier way to get the drivers. 64-bit: Download.

Hello there ! So this is my first post on microsoft forums, I hope I'm at the right place I didn't know where to post it. Oh and by the way, English is not my primary language, may you forgive me if I do some stupid errors.

Anyway, I would like to buy a Xbox One controller to play with it on my computer. Problem : I'm still running windows 7 and I don't really want to switch to w10 at the moment.

Xbox 1 Controller Driver Windows 7 64 Bit Windows 10

So I did some researches to know if I could use it on w7 but I didn't really find the answer I was looking for. There was too much update on this controller so I heard it was impossible at the begining, but then you could with some drivers you would install manually and then microsoft did an update and now it's plug and play on windows 7 like it is on windows 10. Result : I'm lost.

So if someone could answer some questions, I would be really glad because at the moment I don't know if it will work or not....

Here are the questions :

- There was 3 versions of the controller right ? Does they all work on w7 (x64) ?

- Can we play wireless on w7 or it just works with the wire ? Heard that you could play wireless with the OLD microsoft wireless adaptator (the usb key for xbox controller) but not the new adaptator wich is specific to windows 10.

- Would like to buy the RED xbox one controller, does it have a software difference with classic xbox one controller and for some reasons it only work on w10 or it's just a color change ?


Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit

Thank you very much and have a nice day !