Powershell Download File From Url

Being that most of my work is done remotely, I have a batch script which downloads all my tools from my FTP server to the client's PC. I just copy and paste the text into notepad on the client's PC and save it as a batch and run it.

This works great, but the problem is, the programs I use get updated every so often - so I would be downloading old versions. By doing a little research, I found that PowerShell can download files directly from the web.

How do I download URL content using Get-Content in PowerShell Script? Update Cancel. If you want to download file, have a look at Start-BitsTransfer. How do I write a script for log files in PowerShell for transferring files from one server to another? Sep 26, 2018  Download files from websites programatically via powershell This script can be used to define a file parameter path on a website and a 'save' location in the script, when run the script will download the specified file to the set location.The script may be amended and used for any other purposes.I have not yet amended this script to utili. Aug 25, 2015  Downloading Files from Public URL Using PowerShell Demonstrate how to download files from an Online URL using PowerShell. Demonstrates downloading files from an Azure Storage container but same process works for any valid online URL. The help desk software for IT. Track users' IT needs, easily, and with only the features you need.


It seems that all the pieces are there, but I don't know anything about PowerShell at all and I'm a total amateur with batch. Further, i guess you cant just call up PowerShell in the batch script and start writing in PowerShell.

So here is the end goal;To write a batch script which uses powershell to download files from different websites (i would provide URLs). Instead of downloading the files from my FTP server, the script would download the programs right from the source.

Thank you so much in advance.

Christopher MooreChristopher Moore

2 Answers

This method uses the PowerShell version 2 onward compatible and uses System.Net.WebClient class.

Creates an array then adds required URL's to the array. Specify your download location, then for each item in your array, generate a filename which the System.Net.WebClient file parameter requires by using the PowerShell -Split Operator for the string from the last occurrence of the forward slash.

Alternatively use the Invoke-WebRequest as per @McDonald's comment or the Invoke-WebRequest alias wget which are both available from PowerShell version 3 onwards but may be slower

Save either script as 'C:Pathtodownload_script.ps1'

create and run .bat file with the content

or run the .ps1 file from PowerShell

EDITTo accommodate your comment into my answer you can change the array into a multi column array and call the item heading as a . attribute


Here is an example that i made for you to download some batch codes from a file that can be created if not exist, and of course you can add what you want of urls in this file !

So just give a try and tell me the result on your side !


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