Biblia Diario Vivir Free Download

Esta app está disponible sólo en App Store para iPhone, iPad y Apple TV.

Holy Bible: Biblia De Estudio Diario Vivir Rv. Reina Valera Study Bible. Important Made in USA Origin Disclaimer: For certain items sold by Walmart on Walmart. Free Download Biblia del Diario Vivir RVR 1. Spanish Edition). Biblia Del Diario Vivir, RVR 1960- Reina Valera 1960, Acceptable Book. Authors: RVR 1960- Reina Valera 1960. La Biblia de estudio del diario vivir se ha mantenido como una de las Biblias favoritas por muchos. Download Biblia de Estudio Diario Vivir APK. Tecarta, Inc. Rated 4.80392. *This app comes downloaded with a free sample book. Rated 4.60351/5. Download APK. Biblia del Diario Vivir RVR 1960 (Spanish Edition) By Grupo Nelson book is also a book that is very popular with servey highest number of sales. But you can get the book for free here. By Grupo Nelson how to download or read online Biblia del Diario Vivir RVR 1960 (Spanish Edition) book? Biblia del diario vivir - Y La Verdad Nos Hara Libres. Dios, Vida, Cristo, Pablo, Pueblo, Israel,.


En más de 180 millones de dispositivos móviles alrededor del mundo, la gente está leyendo, escuchando, viendo y compartiendo la Biblia usando la Biblia App clasificada como la aplicación #1—completamente gratis. Más de 1.000 versiones de la Biblia, en cientos de idiomas. Cientos de Planes de Lectura, en más de 40 idiomas. Añada sus propias Imágenes de Versículo, resaltados, marcadores y notas públicas o privadas.
Personalice su experiencia de lectura. Acceda a todo cuando esté conectado o descargue versiones específicas para uso sin conexión.
La Biblia App le permite explorar la Biblia con sus amigos más cercanos. Comparta conversaciones sinceras sobre las Escrituras con una comunidad de personas que usted conoce y confía. Aprenda junto con ellos mientras observa lo que están descubriendo.
* Configure la interface de la Biblia App para elegir entre más de 30 idiomas.
* Seleccione fácilmente entre cientos de versiones de la Biblia, en más de 775 idiomas.
* Escoja entre versiones populares como la NVI, LBLA, BHTI, BLPH, DHH, RVR60, NBLH, NTV, TLA, TLAD, y más.
* Biblias sin conexión: Lea incluso sin acceso a la red (disponible para ciertas versiones).
* Escuche las audio Biblias y disfrute de todas las nuevas características, de salto, velocidad de reproducción, y temporizadores. Las audio Biblias están disponibles para ciertas versiones y no son descargables.
* Coloque la Biblia en el centro de sus relaciones más cercanas y con mutua amistad en la Biblia App
* Observe la corriente de actividades en la Biblia que muestra lo que usted y sus amigos están anotando, marcando y resaltando.
* Comente para compartir sus pensamientos, pregunte, y tenga conversaciones significativas en la aplicación mientras estudian juntos la Palabra de Dios
* Cientos de Planes: Encontrará devocionales, así como Planes de lectura que lo guiarán a través de temas específicos, porciones de la Biblia o incluso la Biblia entera en un año.
* Venga y comparta videoclips de ‘La Biblia’ miniserie de TV , la película ‘JESÚS’ mundialmente reconocida, y 'El Proyecto Lumo'.
* Busque en la Biblia usando palabras claves.
* Una gran variedad de temas totalmente nuevos le permiten seleccionar una paleta de colores para toda la Biblia App.
* Imágenes de Versículos: Convierta versículos bíblicos en arte que puedes compartir.
* Resalte con colores personalizados — igual que con una Biblia de papel.
* Marque pasajes: Comparta, memorice, o solo haga un seguimiento de sus favoritos.
* Comparta versículos con amigos usando las redes sociales, el correo electrónico o mensajes de texto (SMS).
* Añada notas a los pasajes: Teniéndolas en privado así solo usted puede verlas o hágalas públicas para compartirlas con amigos.
* Con una cuenta gratuita en YouVersion, vea todas sus notas, resaltados, marcadores y planes de lectura en cualquier dispositivo móvil a través de la sincronización en la nube.
* Lea fácilmente con herramientas como fuentes, tamaño de la letra y contraste para brillo o condiciones de menos brillo.
* Contacte soporte técnico directamente desde la Biblia App.
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Descargue ahora la Biblia App la #1 en el mundo y disfrute de la lectura de la Biblia ¡experiencia amada por millones!


Biblia Diario Vivir Free Download Gratis

¡Hemos agregado la lectura paralela para el modo horizontal en iPhone!
Nuevo para iPad: multitarea, vista dividida, lectura paralela y navegación mejorada.
Agregada traducción lituana.
Corrección de errores y mejoras de rendimiento.

3.3 M valoraciones

My Go To

I love this Bible app. I have had no major problems with it. I couldn't wait to read God’s Word everyday. It makes things easy just to have it on my phone, or when I am searching for particular verses. I also enjoy looking for the plan I need, depending on my circumstances. I really have no major problems with this app except sometimes it takes longer to launch; when you exit to go to a concordance app and go back to this app, it will take a bit of wait to get it going. It doesn’t launch right away. Also recently they've made changes to creating Bible images. Although they have added more fonts, it is harder now to fit in a number of words you desire in a line. You can no longer control the amount of words you want in a line. It used to be that you can have longer lines of words. Or you can actually control how you want yiur verses to fit by using two fingers to expand the verse onto the image. Now, you can’t do that. They have limited your freedom to control tge creation if images so that verses cannot be spread out or laid out as you want, as it used to. This is the one thing that the update has changed that I did not particularly like. However, overall, this app is my go to in everything everyday. I use it way more than any other bible related app or any apo for that matter. I am hoping they would bring back those image creation freedom back, then it'll be perfect. Today i found out they brought back those text boxes for images. Im so glad.

Awesome app!

Great bible app! It has the ability to read the scriptures to you while you read along which I absolutely LOVE! It has the ability to highlight and compare verses to other translations to try and understand the scriptures more fully. Also I love the function of creating verse images. And I love that they have updated it so I can format it to fit my wallpaper of my phone... so it can help me memorize scriptures better by saving at as my phone’s wallpaper. The only suggestions I would like to see updated is if they could allow the ability to share links in the comments or at the very least the ability to copy the link from the comment. As of right now you can’t copy anything from the comments. I would love to share links to sermons that is pertaining to the verses my friends are highlighting or studying... I’m sure there a lot of glitches and safe guards you would have to put in place to insure no one can share anything inappropriate. As a parent I like knowing my kids can’t click on anything and see anything they shouldn’t, so not sure if the benefit would outweigh the risks... Also if they could give us the ability to look up web searches for images that would pertain to the verse I’m creating an image for... if not no biggie. I just search it in my web browser and save the images and create them after they’ve been saved to my phone but thought it might make it more seamless. All in All a great App!!! I love it and use it mostly everyday.

Biblia Diario Vivir Free Download 2017

Really amazing and VERY helpful

Biblia Diario Vivir Free Download Youtube

The convenience is simply amazing that you can just plug your phone and look up information at will. I really like how you can take notes and highlight what you read and it also keeps a log. I love the fact that I can select different versions of the Bible instantly. For some reason when your phone falls asleep and you open the Bible app again sometimes the app has to reload and loses your place. That iPad version allows me to take notes a little bit better than the iPhone version because it’s not very easy to switch back-and-forth from reading to creating notes on the iPhone version. I hope they address this in the future. I really love the reminder at a specific time each day for the word of the day. They have a new streak feature which counts the days each day you open up the Bible app which is great! However, if you miss one day it resets everything all the way back to day one. Somehow I wish they can use some support system that collects all of your days like you open the Bible and connected with God‘s word 360 times last year and only missed five days. I also like the social aspect of connecting with your friends and family as to what you were reading. However, there doesn’t seem to him much discussion from the social aspect, but maybe that’s me and my friends. Who is I totally recommend downloading this is in free app connecting with God each day. May the Lord bless you.


178.5 MB

Requiere iOS 10.0 o posterior. Compatible con iPhone, iPad y iPod touch. Apple TV.

Biblia Diario Vivir Free Download

Español, Afrikáans, Albanés, Alemán, Bielorruso, Birmano, Búlgaro, Camboyano, Catalán, Checo, Chino simplificado, Chino tradicional, Coreano, Croata, Danés, Eslovaco, Filipino, Finés, Francés, Galés, Griego, Haitiano, Hebreo, Hindi, Húngaro, Indonesio, Inglés, Islandés, Italiano, Japonés, Kurdo, Letón, Lituano, Macedonio, Malayalam, Malayo, Mongol, Neerlandés, Noruego bokmål, Persa, Polaco, Portugués, Rumano, Ruso, Shona, Suajili, Sueco, Tailandés, Tamil, Turco, Ucraniano, Vietnamita, Zulú, Árabe

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