Synth1 Vst Download Torrent 2017

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Apr 16 2019 ? / 5
Can anyone please help me use these presets. How to install them.
Jun 03 2019
All preset at once: paste preset .zip file as it is to Synth1-113beta3zipbank ifolder,, open synth1 in daw, your daw may not respond, be patient, it will take same time as if you are extracting file from yourself in file explorer. wait.., its done. Note: if you extract manually it will take some time, so daw will also take same time, be patient.
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Apr 12 2019 5 / 5
An absolute must-have for anyone interested in synth-based music, but without enough money to afford any high-end gear. Amazing piece of software right here.
Apr 16 2019
Hi Alex, Hey is there a way to use Synth 1 and midi map the parameters? I use LIVE and I want to use my keyboard controller knobs to assign parameters. Thank you!
May 17 2019
Hi,David. I easily controlling the Synth1 via Roland JP-8000 (so many knobs and faders for it!). There is no problem to assign MIDI CCs and create MIDI map file. Push OPT -> MIDI -> assign knobs/faders -> save the file
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VST Plugins Free Download Synth 1 - Ichiro Toda VST - Presets Soundbanks. Synth1 is a software VST synthesizer designed by Ichiro Toda (Daichi Laboratory). It was originally projected as an emulation of the Nord Lead 2 synthesizer, since then has become a unique Virtual Studio Technology instrument and one of the best sounding and most. Free FX Plugin: Backmask FX Plug-In (Chaos-Reverser Effect) 0. By producergrind on December 14, 2017 VST's. Synth1 VST Free Download| The Most Slept On VST!

Feb 19 2019 ? / 5
The '25,000 presets' contains a lot of duplicates. I went through the whole thing and reduced it to 15,971 unique presets.
Feb 19 2019
Thanks a lot for the job, link above is updated.
The Count of Kennington
May 07 2019
That was some job, thankyou gridsleep
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  1. Jun 13, 2014 - The Mac crew can also use the plugin in all DAW programs capable of. Synth1 is available for free download at the official website (820 kB.
  2. Sky Synth1 Librarian VST X64 WiN [FREE] download from any file hoster with just one LinkSnappy account download from more than 100 file hosters at once with LinkSnappy. Blues Guitar Unleashed 2.0 By Griff Hamlin (2017).
  3. If you’re looking for free Sylenth1 presets and sound banks you came to the right place! Sylenth1 is a virtual analog VSTi synthesizer that takes the definitions of quality and performance to a higher level. Until now only very few software synthesizers have been able to stand up to the sound.
  4. The website where users can download Dubstep VST plugins and VST instruments. Skip to content. Scroll down to content. Posted on August 18, 2012 March 7, 2017. LA scoring strings. The following VSTi is more custom made for scoring purposes, hence the name “LA Scoring Strings”. The Synth1 can be re-used up to twenty times while.
Feb 10 2019 5 / 5
Depuis que je l'ai découvert, c'est de loin celui que je préfère dans ma bibliothèque. Facile à utiliser et très réactif, en plus j'aime sa configuration.
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Dec 07 2018 ? / 5
For anyone who is able to get Synth1 to recognise files in the .zip folder, try running the 'initsettings' exe in the plugin folder and it should work
May 20 2019
Please advise how to run initsettings exe
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Dec 02 2018 ? / 5
how do you load the preset sounds? I downloaded everything, but only the synth itself shows up in my presonus studio one presets. Help??
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Nov 22 2018 ? / 5
Insane synth. Very Very good. Please needs update with a mod and pitch wheel knob for mouse tweaking and setting up.
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Oct 28 2018 5 / 5
The sound is great - drives me crazy that all the knobs go from 0 to 127 instead of in ms, dB, etc. Nonetheless, this is great!
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Jun 06 2018 ? / 5
Excellent Synth Lots Of Presets and I learned sound design using this synth
Nov 22 2018
Only free synth with its (awesomely verstile) distortion before the delay and chorus. And only free synth with tone and eq after the distortion (to get rid of harsh or boom). Also saturation of the filter per voice is just too awesome.
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Apr 29 2018 5 / 5
Simply the king of the free soft synths.
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Apr 25 2018 ? / 5
This is incredible, if this was RTAS i would happily pay decent money for it.
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Feb 27 2018 ? / 5
This synthesizer is lonely top. There are countless free Sound Banks on the internet for that. The best synthesizer I've ever had.
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Jan 16 2018 5 / 5
This is my go-to soft synth. But I find the patch selector hard to use, so I wrote a VST plugin to make it easier. Here's a video of it working:
Feb 14 2018
Hi Neutrino. Sky, your 'Synth1 Librarian' is a real gem -- Thank you for making it available for free! It is so much easier now to find the right Synth1 preset. Why not make it available here on VST4FREE? Also, I like the idea of creating Librarians for other synths. For example, a .syx manager for Dexed would be great.
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Jan 15 2018 5 / 5
This is easily one of the best synth VSTs. I've used it in almost every song I've made since 2013 and still find ways to make interesting new sounds with it.
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Dec 31 2017 5 / 5
Such Plug-Ins are very difficult to get. I tried Sylenth demo but I think that Synth1 beats it in a very hard way.
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Dec 13 2017 5 / 5
This is one bad-ass synth at one bad-ass price! Do I need say more!
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Sept 16 2017 5 / 5
One of the best Synth VST around there! Just wonder what preset has the most high quality instruments of the available presets collection archive. There are so many, what makes it hard guessing what are the best. Any suggestions of experienced Synth1 users. My composition style is: Pop Rock/ and Ballads!
Karl GC
Sept 28 2017
For pop/rock/ballads this VST is probably not the best around although for sure it can provide excellent pads, bass & solo synths. But don't look for perfect (electric) pianos' and organs. Anyway, preset collections called Thanks MS. Ichiro are excellent, for many styles.
Nov 08 2017
Thank you sir for sharing the info ! I'm about to discover the wonders of the MS. Ichiro preset collection !
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Sept 09 2017 ? / 5
Classic. Regarding the much faster pc's that exist now since it's first release, a 3rd osc, a greater choice of wavetypes and extended arpeggiator would keep it up with recent releases. Great addition to the now also free Firebird.
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Jul 02 2017 5 / 5
Good classic and free soft-synth, Thanx
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Jun 27 2017 ? / 5
This synthesizer can do everything that is in the free synthesizers section :) And many of those that are paid, it will win))
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May 16 2017 ? / 5
i am using audition cs6. Copied .dll into vst3 folder and re scanned through fx manager.. but not working .. can anybody solve?
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May 07 2017 ? / 5
Every sound in each sound bank seems to be the same... why is this??
Paddy C
Jun 20 2017
Read the manual it explains what to do
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Apr 02 2017 5 / 5
The KING of synths.
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Mar 01 2017 5 / 5
Amazing simple vst, I always use it in my tracks.
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Feb 11 2017 ? / 5
The best free software synth ever created. A must-have for both beginners and advanced musicians/producers.
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Nov 03 2016 ? / 5
World best synth plugin love this vst... high quality sound, low cpu...
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Oct 21 2016 ? / 5
The gem in the arsenal of free VST plugins. Modest in appearance, a sonic delight in performance, formidable range of patches available.
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Sept 09 2016 5 / 5
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Aug 26 2016 5 / 5
Cant believe it is for free.
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Apr 09 2016 5 / 5
YOU NEED THIS SYNTH IN YOUR LIFE. I can't say it any plainer than that.
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Apr 06 2016 5 / 5
This synthesizer can do it all. No need to download gigabytes of others. It surpasses many paid. In my arsenal is ideal! :)
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Mar 17 2016 5 / 5
An essential instrument of all my songs.
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Jan 07 2016 ? / 5
Anyone know how to install it on the macbook pro?
Mar 10 2016
There are several issues with installing the AU. Authentification fails every start. No problem if i use the vst on my macbook pro
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Oct 15 2015 5 / 5
After trying (and buying) for a year a lot of analog vintage synth VSTi emulations I was almost to give it up until a friend of mine introduced to Synth 1, now I am using VSTi for almost everything. Just love the flexibility and the sound of this synth and I can believe is free (sincerely I would pay for it!). The interface could be a little simple and rough but the sound is awesome. I hope Ichiro Toda keeps improving and updating this synth, it is really worth! Highly recommendable!
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Jun 11 2015 5 / 5
One of the best soft synths.
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Apr 09 2015 5 / 5
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Apr 08 2015 5 / 5
Maybe the best free synth in the world- versatile.
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Oct 17 2014 5 / 5
Diesen Freesyhnt ist der Beste des 21. Jahrhunderts Kein anderes VST-Pluck kann ihn kaum einer das Wasser reichen.
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Oct 14 2014 5 / 5
Probably the best free synth. Continue evolution!
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Oct 04 2014 5 / 5
Synth classic. You'll certainly never be short of sounds!
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Sept 10 2014 5 / 5
El mejor q he visto, muy confiable y funcional.
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Jun 11 2014 4 / 5
One of best freeware vst instruments. But need a update.
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Mar 28 2014 5 / 5
With a little practice you can make Nintendo like sounds out of this thing. I LOVE IT!
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Dec 25 2013 5 / 5
Best free synth. Extremely flexible and CPU friendly at full sound.
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Jun 06 2012 ? / 5
I do not know how to add sound banks to synth1 with .sy1 files?
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Mar 26 2012 5 / 5
One of a kind and a super classic ! No words can describe how pure and amazing this is after all these years in front ....
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Nov 16 2011 5 / 5
Old. Simple. Millions of presets available. Sounds really good. Reminds me of my Roland SH-32. Oatmeal will always be my favorite though.
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Jun 18 2011 5 / 5
Very CPU friendly and logically tweakable and automatable synth plugin. This plugin is great! A must-have. Used in lots of my older projects, now I'm using a paid registered Sylenth1.
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Apr 02 2011 0 / 5
Wouldn't get this again if you paid me!
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Dec 08 2010 5 / 5
EL MEJOR... si señores, un buen sinte para aquellos que saben apreciar la simplesa y la efectividad.
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Sept 16 2010 5 / 5
You want to know what it sounds like? What it can do? Listen to this . All made with synth1 (except for piano and drums). No presets used only my own creations.
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Aug 15 2010 5 / 5
Funky. Simple. User friendly. What a blessing. How do you color the synth?
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May 29 2010 5 / 5
The best free synth ever!!! The most sounds ever: more than 80 banks available. The most awesome and wide ranging sounds I LOVE it!!!!
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Apr 12 2010 5 / 5
Awesome VST, great sound banks that can tackle more than just the techno genres.
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Apr 03 2010 5 / 5
Fat and juicy, oozing with great sounds und it's fabulously free.
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Feb 16 2010 5 / 5
ONE OF THE BEST VST SYNTH EVER !! the note i see right now is 4.8(?WTF !!?) but if there is one synth wich deserve a 5 stars this is it!
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Jan 13 2010 5 / 5
What can I say about my favourite and probably most famous FREE VST synth? I heard about this in 2002, and since then I used it in literally hundreds of arrangements/songs/sketches and must say: you can find a insane number of uses of this synth in the context of your music... What selled me at first was the absurdly low CPU usage and the impressive amount of great professional sounding presets. Don't let the horrible default bank let you down... Look for Nolwenn, Goldbank, Kayoti, Ouroboros bank3 to name a few great ones.(NOTE: Preset management may seem confusing at first, but once you get it, you can load up to 1280 sounds at once !!!) Synth1 is suited not only Electronica/Dance stuff, but can find a place in many other genres. Programming is not hard if you have some basic knowledge, and features are good and can deliver a vast range of different sounds. No docs unfortunately and GUI it's not the greatest, but how many free synths allow you to change GUI color and its size up to 200%? A MUST-HAVE SYNTH!
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Jan 04 2010 5 / 5
beyond one of the greatest free synths ive played with and you can never go wrong with PRESETS!!!!!
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Oct 20 2009 4 / 5
Awesome vst! fat & dirty sound, super-easy to use, amazing wide range of sound. I score 4/5 (should be 5/5 but there is some crap noise on the a.d.1 effect that I don't like. Otherwise it's just... so perfect!)
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Oct 15 2009 5 / 5
I love this synth. Capable of producing some awesome dark patches.
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Sept 05 2009 5 / 5
Simply the best. The one i use the most.
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Jul 26 2009 5 / 5
Love the sounds the Synth1 makes. Highly recommended!
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Jul 12 2009 5 / 5
Best freebie synth I've found, capable of so many different sounds. It's my main go-to vst.
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Jun 06 2009 5 / 5
The first really impressive free VST i've heard. It's a must have, and you can find tons of presets for it also on the web.
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Mar 20 2009 5 / 5
More insanity. Dunno why you didnt sell this puppy - it is the NAZ. My MOST used device ever. And i coloured mine black and red so, get one and MODULATE THE SHIT OUT OF IT.
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Finding the best VST plugins is quite a challenge in 2017.
Picture walking into the world's biggest mall.
With hundreds of stores to choose from, how in the world would you know which ones are best suited to your needs?
You're overwhelmed and flustered, with no way to know where to start.
But luckily for you, a friendly stranger gives you a list of the best stores in the mall - narrowing your options down to a manageable number.
We are that stranger, here to act as a saving grace in the overwhelming world of plugins.
After spending countless hours with thousands of plugins, we've narrowed down a list of just over 100 of the BEST ones we've used.
And it doesn't end there...
We have also included over 100 of the best FREE VST plugins we know about.
Some of these free VST plugins can be compared to premium plugins you would buy from some of the biggest companies.
The best of both worlds in one place!
Click HERE to instantly jump to the free VST plugins section of this list.
So here it is, our Ultimate List of the Best VST Plugins premium and free for 2017!

Best VST Plugins - Synths

Serumby Xfer Records [189 USD]

The dream synthesizer did not seem to exist: a wavetable synthesizer with a truly high-quality sound, visual, and creative workflow-oriented interface.
Even if you’re not experimented with sound design, the interface is so friendly that you won’t even have to reach for the manual to start experimenting with it.
Check out our in-depth review about Serum.

MassivebyNative Instruments [149 USD]

The synth that defined bass music, this powerhouse synthesizer is an uncompromising sonic monster and one of the go-to choices for bass music and electro producers.
Check out our in-depth review about Massive.

Omnisphere 2by Spectrasonics [499 USD]

This is one of the best VST plugins you could possibly ever get!
Omnisphere brings many different types of synthesis together into one amazing-sounding instrument that will inspire a lifetime of exploration.

Sylenth1by Lennar Digital [139 €]

Sylenth1 takes the definitions of quality and performance to a higher level. Until now only very few software synthesizers have been able to stand up to the sound quality standards of hardware synths.

Retrologue 2by Steinberg [99 €]

Retrologue 2 emulates the warmth and fatness of classic analog synthesizers. Three virtual analog oscillators and a first-class set of filters produce a wealth of rich and inspiring sounds.

Trillian Total Bass Moduleby Spectrasonics [299 USD]

Trilian is designed from the ground up to be the most versatile bass virtual instrument available today with a new level of expressive, real-time performance for acoustic and electric basses – plus cutting-edge synth bass tones with powerful editing and extraordinary sound quality.

Z3TA+2by Cakewalk [99 USD]

Z3TA+2 is designed to suit any and all of your electronic productions. From pop to rap, energetic to atmospheric, you’ll have the sounds you need at your fingertips.

LuSH-101by D16 Audio [149 €]

LuSH-101 is a synthesizer created from modules that can be found in many modern virtual synthesizers, all combined into a single compact and logically intuitive design.
However, this basic simplicity combined with its multilayer architecture turns it into an easy-to-use but extremely powerful instrument that can be programmed and tweaked quickly, almost effortlessly leveraging its maximum potential.

Razorby Native Instruments [99 USD]

The groundbreaking additive synthesis powerhouse, RAZOR, delivers powerful sound and cutting edge sonic control.

SLOOby Tim Exile [49 £]

Whether you’re into hardware, virtual analog, digital wavetable or eurorack, a synth should be a unique and agile beast: tightly controlled for composition, hands-on for jamming, unpredictable for inspiration and sound like nothing else on earth.

FM8by Native Instruments [149 USD]

FM8’s powerful audio engine generates breath-taking, brilliantly dynamic FM sounds in pristine quality. With its emphasis on ease-of-use, the FM8 brings a high degree of simplicity to the otherwise intricate process of FM synthesis.

Phobosby Spitfire Audio [299 USD]

Phobos is a must-have synthesizer for composers writing epic, cinematic electronic and hybrid compositions conceived by renowned composer and electronic music pioneer BT.

Divaby u-he [179 USD]

The oscillators, filters and envelopes closely model components found in some of the great monophonic and polyphonic synthesizers of yesteryear.
Modules can be mixed and matched so you can build hybrids, but what sets Diva apart is the sheer authenticity of the analogue sound.

Lounge Lizard EP4by AAS [199 USD]

Lounge Lizard EP-4 is an electric piano plugin delivering authentic Rhodes and Wurlitzer sounds in an everything-you-need package.

Addictive Keysby XLN Audio [79.95 USD per module]

Addictive Keys brings the world's most inspiring and interesting keyboard instruments into the studios of songwriters, producers, and music makers.

Rapidby Parawave Audio [180 €]

Combine multiple synthesis layers to achieve powerful and dynamic sounds.

Oberheim SEM Vby Arturia [149 US]

Oberheim's legendary SEM - Synthesizer Expander Module - is back for the first time as a high-end software emulation powered by Arturia's exclusive TAE technology.

Bazille by u-he [129 USD]

Bazille is a large modular system combining digital oscillators with analogue-style filters and modelled effects, with a flexibility that only modular patching can provide.

Nexus 2by reFX [249 USD Starter Edition]

There’s a lot of controversy surrounding this “synthesizer”, but this is actually a ROMpler.
If you're a dance music producer who wants great sounds out of the box as a foundation to mangle with or simply layer, this is the tool you’re looking for.

Best VST Plugins - Kick Drum Synthesizers

Kick 2by Sonic Academy [66.90 USD]

Easily sculpt, shape, create, manipulate and mangle your way to the perfect kick drum.

BAZZism2by Intelligent Sounds & Music [30 €]

If you create your kick drums building sine sweeps and EQ’ing them, you can get the same or even better results with BazzISM2 in a matter of seconds.

PunchBOXby D16 Audio [79 €]

PunchBOX easily brings together the best of the two worlds.
The expressiveness of synthesized sounds next to the richness and complexity of samples that end up delivering top-notch, never-heard of and dancefloor-crushing kick sounds.

BigKick by Plugin Boutique [65 USD]

BigKick makes kick drum design easy and enjoyable with a very simple and straightforward user interface.

Best VST Plugins - Compressors

The compressors in this list are either multipurpose or meant to be used primarily in single tracks, but this shouldn’t stop you from experimenting with them either way!

Fabfilter Pro C[179 USD]

FabFilter Pro-C 2 is a high-quality compressor plug-in for the most demanding engineers.
Whether you need subtle mastering compression, an upfront lead vocal, that magic drum glue or deep EDM pumping.

CLA Classic Compressorsby Waves [599 USD, on sale regularly]

True classics stand the test of time. The CLA-2A, CLA-3A, and CLA-76 are arguably the most famous leveling amps, compressors and limiters of all time.
Your production toolbox is simply incomplete without these ones.

Omnipressor by Eventide[149 USD]

Professional quality dynamic-modifier for gating, compression, limiting and expansion.
The Omnipressor is even capable of reversing a sound’s envelope, making loud sounds quiet and quiet sounds loud.

Gain Reductionby Joey Sturgis [59 USD]

Turn the knobs to tame or tighten your sound, crank the gain to saturate and distort, try it on drums and any other instruments you can think of.
Gain Reduction Deluxe will be your new go-to compressor.

Klanghelm DC8C-2 [20 €]

DC8C is one of the most flexible compressors around.
While making a lot of different compression styles possible, it's general nature may be described as clear, smooth, open and distinct.

UBK1by Kush Audio [149 USD]

UBK-1 embodies the philosophy that compression is not merely a form of dynamics control, it is the ultimate tool to create and shape the movement and groove of a sound.

Presswerkby u-he [129 USD]

Presswerk is a powerful dynamics processor with a musical soul. An easy-to-use interface and a rich feature set give you hands-on control over all details of your sound.

API-2500by Waves [299 USD]

The API 2500 is a versatile dynamics processor that lets you shape the punch and tone of your sounds with absolute accuracy.
Its dual channel design lets the 2500 also function as two separate mono channels via a single compression setting.

Tube-Tech CL 1Bby Softube [329 USD]

Softube’s Tube-Tech CL 1B is the prime example of what an optic compressor is capable of.
It is highly versatile and can go from soft and gentle to snappy and punchy by the twist of a few knobs.

Vintage Warmer 2by PSP [149 USD]

Vintage Warmer 2 is a high-quality digital simulation of an analog-style, a single- or multi-band compressor/limiter.
It combines rich, warm analog processing with a straightforward user interface, and comes with a comprehensive library of presets.

Puigchildby Waves [349 USD]

Throughout the vinyl era, the original Fairchild 660 and 670 compressors were ubiquitous.
From the recording studio to the record lathe, the Fairchild was renowned for its advanced compression techniques and incomparable sound.

H-Comp Hybrid Compressorby Waves [179 USD]

H-Comp combines the modeled behavior of transformers, tubes, and transistors, together with the power and precision that only a plugin can provide.

Best VST Plugins - EQ’s

Millenia NSEQ-2by Plugin Alliance [299 USD]

Revered for its startling realism and transparent musicality, the Millennia NSEQ-2 is a go-to parametric EQ for many of the world’s leading studios and mastering houses.

Fabfilter Pro Q 2[179 USD]

An equalizer is probably the tool you use most while mixing and mastering, so you need the best of the best!
With FabFilter Pro-Q 2, you get the highest possible sound quality and a gorgeous, innovative interface with unrivalled ease of use.

EQuilibriumby DMG Audio [179 £]

Massively flexible EQ suitable for all critical professional applications.

Q10by Waves [99 USD]

Multiband paragraphic EQ with 10 bands of precision equalization for mixing and mastering – a go-to tool for both surgical repair and gentle coloring.

SSL G-Equalizerby Waves [Only available through selected bundles]

The SSL G-Equalizer includes a pre-boost dip and a pre-cut rise, as well as a broader Q for more extreme equalization.
That’s why many leading engineers use the E-Channel’s equalization for detailed problem-solving and mixing, and the G-Equalizer to shape and give character to the sound.

Pultec Passive EQ Collection by UADby UAD [299 USD - UAD Soundcard needed]

Building on a decade of the world’s most intensive modeling research, UA has recreated the famed Pultec EQ experience as plug-ins – ones that are nearly indistinguishable from the original analog hardware.

Smart:EQby Sonible [129 €]

The intelligent smart:EQ+ plug-in enhances the detail, clarity, and personality of your audio-track with a tap of the finger. What makes it special: the perfect mix is ready in a matter of seconds.

McQby PSP [69 USD]

PSP McQ captures the sonic character and functionality of various classic console equalizers such as the versatile MCI console EQs.

SEQ-STby Nugen Audio [149 USD]

SEQ-ST gives you powerful sonic sculpting and EQ matching, with stereo mid-side operation and automated spectrum analysis.
Massage and correct any audio with incredible resolution that you just can’t get with a traditional parametric interface.

Puigtec EQ’sby Waves [299 USD]

The Pultec EQP-1A is renowned for its unique ability to boost and cut the same frequencies simultaneously, thereby creating a resonant shelf.
These EQ’s also have a remarkable replication of the original hand-crafted unit owned by iconic producer/engineer Jack Joseph Puig.

Renaissance EQby Waves [79 USD]

Featuring real-time EQ graphing, vintage-modeled filter curves, and extended internal headroom, the Renaissance Equalizer is a versatile paragraphic EQ with warm, analog-style sound.

Maag Audio EQ4[229 USD]

The Maag Audio EQ4’s unique design allows for exceptionally low phase shift across all EQ adjustments, which helps maintain the integrity of your mix’s original sound.

Vibe EQby Stillwell Audio [39 USD]

This is one of those mythical plugins that makes things sound better just by plugging it in.

Best VST Plugins - Reverbs

Altiverbby Audio Ease [595 USD, Regular Version]

Altiverb 7 is the industry standard convolution reverb plug-in. It features top quality samples of real spaces to create reverb, ranging from the Sydney Opera House to the cockpit of a Jumbo Jet.

Valhalla Shimmer [50 USD]

ValhallaShimmer is an algorithmic reverb designed for BIG sounds, from concert halls to the Taj Mahal to the Halls of Valhalla.

Valhalla Vintage Verb[50 USD]

Synth1 Vst Download Torrent 2017 Hd

ValhallaVintageVerb is a postmodern reverb plugin, inspired by the classic hardware digital reverbs of the 1970’s and 1980’s.

Blackholeby Eventide [199 USD]

Most reverbs are earth-bound and constrained by the physics of the real world. Eventide’s Blackhole reverb breaks the rules by allowing you to create virtual spaces that could never exist in reality.

Ultraverbby Eventide [199 USD]

9 high end hardware-based reverb algorithms bundled in a single native plug-in.

R4by Exponential Audio [299 USD]

R4 offers all the class of historic hardware reverb units but with many new features only possible with modern plug-in development technology. R4 is pure class and for this reason, is destined to become a classic.

Fabfilter Pro R[199 USD]

A great reverb sounds natural and sits in the mix perfectly. At the same time, it should not confuse you with over-technical controls, but must be easy to set up and a joy to work with.
This is exactly what FabFilter Pro-R delivers.

Abbey Road Platesby Waves [249 USD]

State-of-the-art modeling of the four legendary reverb plates housed at Abbey Road Studios and used on recordings by the Beatles, Pink Floyd and Radiohead.

LXP Native Bundleby Lexicon [240 USD]

The LXP Native Reverb Bundle offers four algorithm based plug-ins along with over 220 of the most versatile and finely-crafted studio presets that are sure to change the way you color your mix, forever.

Toraverbby D16 Audio [39 €]

The concept algorithm implemented in the unit allows create practically any type of reverb.

TSAR-1by Softube [269 USD]

The TSAR-1 is the better-sounding alternative to the established, traditional reverb products at a fraction of the price.

RP-Verbby Rob Papen [149 USD]

RP-Verb is the reverb you've waited years to have in your setup. Try it out for yourself and see why pros describe it with one word: amazing.

Best VST Plugins - Delays

Replikaby Native Instruments [49 USD]

Simple to use with a resonant filter and classic phaser built in, Replika is a versatile delay for anything from subtle slapback to warped sheets of noise.

UltraTapby Eventide [79 USD]

UltraTap is a unique multi-tap effect capable of rhythmic delays, glitchy reverbs, huge pad-like volume swells and extraordinary modulation.

Ohmboyzby Ohm Force [69 €]

More than a simple delay endowed with a variety of features, OhmBoyz is almost an instrument in its own right.

RP-Delayby Rob Papen [49 USD]

RP-Delay is a unique delay which is heavily focused on some very special features, including brand new fx routing.

EchoBoyby Soundtoys [199 USD]

EchoBoy wraps decades of echo device history and new forward-thinking features into one versatile effect that will find its way into every corner of your mixes.

Valhalla Ubermod[50 USD]

Ubermod can be used to create lush dimensional choruses, classic string ensembles, tape and BBD echoes, nonlinear and reverse reverbs, and a bunch of sounds that defy categorization.

MFM2by u-he [79 USD]

The idea behind MFM was to give the musician as much control over 4 individual delay lines as possible, have them interact, and offer easy ways to modulate delay parameters in realtime.

H-Delayby Waves [179 USD]

From real old school PCM42-style effects like filtering, flanging, and phasing, to slap-back echo, ping-pong delay, and tempo-sync with modulation, H-Delay delivers the goods.

Sandmanby Unfiltered Audio [49 USD]

The Unfiltered Audio Sandman is far more than just a delay plugin, it’s a wormhole to the dreamtime states of your sounds.

Best VST Plugins - Saturators & Distortion Units

Decapitatorby Soundtoys [199 USD]

The sound of tubes, transistors, and circuitry being pushed to the limit has long been the key ingredient in great-sounding analog recordings.

Trash 2by Izotope [99 USD]

Take mangling your audio to the next level. Combine the power of multi-band, dual-stage distortions and advanced post-filtering for immediate sonic transformation.

Ohmnicideby Ohm Force [117 USD]

Ohmnicide takes the concept of multi-band distortion further thanks to a new, more versatile technology as well as a modern interface and live performance-oriented features.

Fabfilter Saturn[154 USD]

From subtle, clean and warm tube or tape saturation to the wildest multiband guitar amp effects.

Karacter 500by Elysia [199 USD]

The karacter plugin is a box full of vibrant colors for your DAW. It covers a complete spectrum including mastering-grade saturation, tube-inspired distortion and glorious destruction, creating manifold highly desirable styles of tonal coloration.

SPL Twin Tube[199 USD]

SPL’s TwinTube is one of those magical devices that make subtle changes that result in a huge improvement in your tracks.
Simply adding a bit of TwinTube’s analog tube warmth can dramatically improve vocal and instrument tracks.

Redoptor by D16 Audio [39 €]

Precisely modeled tube distortion module, which doesn't focus on the tube only, but also models the rest of the co-functioning circuits.

Virtual Tape Machinesby Slate Audio [149 USD]

Big, fat, warm, deep, rich and exciting are just some of the terms used to describe what recording onto a piece of magnetic tape sounds like. To those that know, tape is simply more musical.

RC-20 Retro Colorby XLN Audio [79.95 USD]

RC-20 Retro Color is a creative effect plugin that adds life and texture to any recording. It easily recreates the warm, cozy feeling of vintage recording equipment, but also works perfectly in any modern production setting.

SDRRby Klanghelm [20 €]

SDRR was built to satisfy almost all of your saturation desires. It provides a comprehensive set of controls to manipulate the character of the saturation to make it fit exactly.

Best VST Plugins - Mixing & Mastering Tools

Bombardier Buss Compressorby Stillwell Audio [59 USD]

Tailored for smooth and musical processing of complex audio such as drum groups, vocal stems and your full stereo mix, The Bombardier Buss Compressor lends a controllable sense of weight, fluidity and cohesion.

The Rocketby Stillwell Audio [49 USD]

The Rocket is a character audio compressor, singular in its extraordinary speed, responding in mere microseconds to variations in program level.

Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor by UAD [299 USD - UAD Soundcard needed]

The Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor plug-in for UAD-2 and Apollo interfaces provides everything from a velvet touch to an iron fist, making it a go-to on records by Muse, Green Day, Gnarls Barkley, and more.

Izotope Neutron[Price varies depending on version, 349 USD]

Achieve unprecedented focus and clarity in your mixes with Neutron. This new mixing plug-in combines the latest innovations in analysis and metering with award-winning audio processing.

Izotope Ozone 7 [249/499 USD]

Glue a mix together, control dynamic range, and add rich character with the critically acclaimed music production tools in Ozone Advanced, including the new Vintage EQ, Vintage Compressor, and Vintage Tape modules.

Invisible Limiterby A.O.M [119 USD]

The Invisible Limiter's limiting algorithm minimizes the difference between the original and the limited signals.

Fabfilter Pro L[199 USD]

A brickwall limiter is an essential tool for every mastering or mixing engineer. Fabfilter Pro L is a professional, feature-packed limiter that is loud and transparent at the same time.

Oxford Inflatorby Sonnox [115 £]

A unique and powerful limiter to increase loudness, without sacrificing sonic quality or dynamic range. Add power and presence to your mix without the pumping of compression, or use on individual channels to bring them forward and add weight.

L3-16 Ultramaximizerby Waves [549 USD]

A 16-band peak limiter delivering unparalleled loudness with unprecedented control, the L3-16 maximizes your sound with pinpoint precision and breathtaking detail.

SSL 4000 Collectionby Waves [749 USD]

Developed under license from Solid State Logic, the SSL 4000 Collection includes four plugins meticulously modeled on the legendary SSL 4000 mixing consoles.

Elysia Alpha Compressor[299 USD]

The gold standard in analog M/S mastering compressors.

VSC-2 Compressorby Brainworx [299 USD]

The VSC-2 Quad Discrete Compressor is so named because it uses 4 VCA’s built by hand using only discrete components. Its design is a nod toward the best VCA based compressors of the 70s and 80s.

Clariphonic DSP Parallel Mastering EQ[199 USD]

Re-modeled from the ground up using all new algorithms and filters, the Clariphonic DSP MkII sounds markedly smoother than the original plugin, and is considerably more powerful thanks to 3 processing modes: Classic Stereo, Dual Mono, and Mid-Side.

Vertigo VSM-3 Saturation & Distortion Unit[199 USD]

Vertigo VSM-3 delivers the beloved badass harmonic generators of Vertigo Sound’s acclaimed VSM-2 Mix Satellite in plugin form.

EQuivocateby Eventide & Newfangled Audio [99 USD]

EQuivocate uses filters which are modeled on the human ear. Each of the 26 critical bands tickles a different part of your inner ear, making any combination of settings sound as natural as possible.
Combining this with a linear-phase filter shape that reduces pre-echo makes EQuivocate an EQ with a difference you can hear.

Limitlessby DMG Audio [149 £]

Cutting edge peak limiter to complete your mastering chain.

Oxford EQby Sonnox [350 £]

A plug-in that traces its heritage to the original EQ section on the acclaimed Sony OXF-R3 digital console.

Best VST Plugins - Vocal Production

Melodyneby Celemony [99-849 USD, Price varies depending on version]

Melodyne is the one of the industry standards for vocal tuning, but Melodyne’s algorithms allow you to make anything from the subtlest to the most far-reaching enhancements to your audio material regarding pitch, timing and tempo, with sound quality being optimal in every case.

Auto-Tuneby Antares [399 USD]

Building on 20 years as the overwhelming choice of professional musicians, producers and engineers, Auto-Tune 8 is the new generation of genuine Auto-Tune pitch and time correction.

VocALign PRO 4by Synchro Arts [399 USD]

VocALign Pro 4 is the most advanced version of the legendary VocALign program, providing instant tight alignment of one audio signal to another.
Simply capture a Guide signal with the right timing, capture a Dub signal to be aligned, press one button, and a new aligned Dub is generated and returned to your DAW.

Revoice Pro 3by Synchro Arts [599 USD]

Revoice Pro is used worldwide by top audio professionals for the fastest, easiest and best sounding adjustment and alignment of vocals, instruments and ADR as well as double track generation.

CHOIR Evo by Antares [69 USD]

CHOIR Evo is a unique processor that turns a single monophonic voice into 4, 8, 16, or 32 distinct individual unison voices, each with its own pitch, timing and vibrato variations.

Harmony Engine Evoby Antares [199 USD]

Whether you’re an experienced vocal arranger, a songwriter looking for that perfect backup vocal, or a composer experimenting with unique vocal effects, Harmony Engine Evo gives you entirely new ways to create the harmony parts you hear in your head.

Vocal Synth by Izotope [199 USD]

Manipulate your voice to create electronic vocal textures, robot sounds, computerized harmonies, vocoder and talkbox effects, thick octaves or doubles, and everything in between.

Nectar 2by Izotope [299 USD]

Bring a vocal track to life with the only complete set of tools designed specifically for voice.
Add impact with modeled plate reverb, harmonic saturation, and a wealth of creative effects, and stay in tune with real-time pitch correction and remove distracting breaths without tedious, time-consuming editing.
Download our best free samplepack ever: 100k Samplepack

Free VST Plugins - Synths

Tyrell N6by u-he

Based on a design similar to Roland's classic Juno 60, a few modules and novel features were added by u-he be in this incredible free synth.

Podolskiby u-he

Podolski is a simple, CPU-efficient virtual analogue synthesizer.
Essentially, the synth is a cut down version of FilterscapeVA with just one oscillator, one filter, one envelope, and two LFOs, it also features a Zebra-style arpeggiator/sequencer plus chorus and delay effects.

Helm Synthby Matt Tytel

Helm Synth is an incredibly good looking synthesizer developed by Matt Tytel. You can study and change the source code and redistribute exact or modified copies of Helm.


Emulation of the famous OB-X, OB-Xa, and OB-8 synths.

T.Rex Bassby Max Project [Windows only]

T. Rex Bass is a bass synthesizer with a built-in arpeggiator and a step LFO. It features effect modules that let you control the reverb, delay and and an equalizer.

T.Rex ArgenSynth by Max Project [Windows only]

The T.Rex ArgenSynth is a simple subtractive synth plugin.


Dexed is a multi platform, multi format plugin FM synth that is closely modeled on the Yamaha DX7.

Tau Basslineby Muon Software

Updated and upgraded for its 10th Anniversary, this exclusive 303 emulator plugin is only available for download directly from Muon's Software facebook page.


Synth1 is a virtual analog classic subtractive synthesizer with 2 oscillators, 2 LFO’s, a filter section, an arpeggiator, an EQ, and a couple of time based effects.
Make sure to use a web browser like Google Chrome that can translate websites in other languages, as the website is in Japanese and it might get tricky to download.

TAL-BassLineby Togu Audio

This plugin isn’t supported by Togu anymore, but you can still download 32 and 64-bit installers for windows, and 32-bit for Mac.
TAL-BassLine is a virtual analog bass synthesizer especially made for bass, acid sounds, and effects. It’s based on a robust core and has the usual controls of analogue hardware synthesizers.

Tunefish Synthby Brain Control

Tunefish is a tiny virtual analog synthesizer. It is developed to fit into about 10kb of compressed machine code while still producing an audio quality that can compete with commercial synthesizers.

Model Eby Steinberg

Model E is a classic analog synth with ultra-low CPU load.

TAL-Elek7troby Togu Audio

TAL-Elek7ro is a virtual analog synth with some special features like oscillator hard-sync and frequency modulation. It also has improved alias free oscillators, new developed fast envelopes, and LFO’s.
This synth is useful for a wide range of sounds from percussions to deep bass sounds.


Sinnah is a synth based on a single complex oscillator that includes five waveshapes with increasing spectral complexity, harmonic levels for all waveshapes, noise levels, and a delay matrix.

Ample Bass P Lite IIby Ample Sound

Ample Bass P Lite II aims to bring the Fender Precision Bass sound to your studio in a digital format.

Ample Guitar M Lite IIby Ample Sound

Ample Guitar M Lite II aims to bring the Martin D-41 Acoustic Guitar sound to your studio in a digital format.

Free Alpha 3by LinPlug

FreeAlpha is the little brother of Alpha, sharing the same engine but with less features. It's been around since mid 2000 and it’s free of charge.

JuceOPLVSTiby Plainweave Software

The OPL2 is a simple 2-operator digital FM sound chip from the late 80s, used in PC sound cards like the Adlib and original Sound Blaster.
This VST instrument allows you to program an emulated OPL2 chip.


Synth1 Vst Download Torrent 2017 Synister is arguably one of the best looking free synthesizers out there. This 3 oscillator synthesizer is incredibly easy to use as well.

Speekby Wavosaur

This plugin for recreates the sound of the Commodore 64 Software Automatic Mouth vocal synthesis software.

Trilobite Freeby Darwin Arts

This is a limited version for those who want to try Trilobite before purchasing the complete version, nonetheless this version can be enough for many users.
Trilobite is a modular synthesizer which features full visual patch editing, extensive parametric control, and an innovative patch breeding system to carry your creativity into unexplored territory!

Sforzandoby Plogue

Sforzando is a highly SFZ 2.0 compliant sample player. Advanced sample hobbyists now have a powerful tool to experiment and share instruments without relying on proprietary formats.

Alter/Egoby Plogue

Alter/Ego is based on the award winning technology featured in chipspeech, but instead of targeting vintage voice technology, it focuses on more modern singing synthesis algorithms and research.

Triple Cheese Synthby u-he

Triple Cheese is a unique-sounding freeware synthesizer plugin.
This synth doesn't use any of the classic synthesis techniques – subtractive, FM, or additive – but various forms of comb filtering instead.
The three cheese modules in a row either generate their own signal, or process the output of the previous module.

Symptohmby Ohmforce

Do you need a synth with a lot of good sounds to use without too much knob-tweaking complexity?
Try Symptohm: Melohman in a free Performer Edition. You get access to all of its mother's factory presets and some other customizing possibilities.

Livecutby Smartelectronix

Livecut is a live beat-slicer. Instead of manipulating equal chunks of audio like most beatslicer do, it works on the notion of audio cuts. The length and number of repetitions depend on the context and the cutting procedure.

Thai Chromatic Gongsby Alan Vista

Thai Gongs is a sampled traditional chromatic gong set from Thailand.

Chinese Gongsby Alan Vista

This gong set features 3 Tamtam gongs (40, 28, and 20 inches) and a Wind gong (20 inches) organized in 3 different velocity layers.

Harsh Digital Noseby Piz

Harsh Digital Nose a synthesizer that converts two images into two oscillator waveforms and then mixes them in various horrible ways.
You can drag and drop images or draw them on the plugin in real time.

Hadron Particle Synthesizerby Partikkel Audio

The Hadron Particle Synthesizer is an open source synthesizer, sampler, and effect module.

Cobaltby Leslie Sanford

Cobalt is a synthesizer inspired by many of the hybrid synths of the 80s.

Free VST Plugins - Kick Drum Synths, Drum Machines, and Drum Kits

LM-1 Linndrum Drum Machinesby Jun’s factory, Simple Recorder and MH Music

Three different free VST’s that recreate the famous Linndrum LM-1 drum machine in the same place.

MT Power DrumKit 2by Manda Audio

Free Drum Kit created for Pop, Rock, Metal, and Fusion - very similar to Native Instruments Studio Drummer.

DRUM PROby Studio Linked

20 drum kits that spread over 12 pads with built-in effects.

T.Rex 606 by Max Project [Windows only]

The T-Rex 606 is a rompler of the classic 606 drum machine by Roland.
It has 7 of its classic sounds and a simple reverb.

Beat Factory Drumsby Beat Skillz

Beat Factory Drums comes with 12 pads with samples from an original MPC 2500, created with high-end outboard gear.

Real Drum Samplesby Line of Legends

Line of Legends features high quality drum samples from the eponymous free sample pack released by

Sean Pandy Drums For Rock And Metal

Sean Pandy Drums is a drum rompler plugin with a Kick, Snare, 4 Toms - and a Sub Blower that will do exactly as its name suggests.

Vintage Drum Elementsby Sample Science

Vintage Drum Elements is a virtual drum machine featuring the sound of the Yamaha RX5.

DrumTroopby Dub Turbo

DrumTROOP is just a straight out of the box weapon of mass production. No fussing around with too many on board options.
Every kit has been meticulously crafted into their respective genre/sub-genre.

Kick Makerby Teragon Audio

KickMaker is a synthesizer designed specifically to create good kick drum sounds.
It uses four independent oscillators and a wide range of effects, allowing one to create perfectly customized beats.

Free VST Plugins - Modulation & Time Based Effects

OldSkool Verbby Voxengo

This plugin implements a kind of classic stereo reverb algorithm which is technically simple yet optimal.
It also produces a very clear spatial image that blends well with the mix.

Pancake 2by Cableguys

PanCake is a free plugin for most flexible panning modulations.

Protoverbby u-he

Protoverb is an experimental reverb based on the idea of a room simulator.
Most algorithmic reverbs try to avoid resonances or model the reflections of sound from a room’s walls.
Protoverb does the opposite.

Valhalla Freq Echo

Sonic results range from subtle chorusing and double tracking to barberpole phasing and flanging to endless glissandos and runaway echos.

Pecheneg Tremoloby Pecheneg FX

The Pecheneg VST plugin is a tremolo effect, which has the possibility to adjust the shape of the tremolo modulating curve and to synchronize the frequency with a host, or set it manually.

TAL Chorus-LXby Togu Audio

TAL-Chorus-LX is a standalone version of the chorus implemented in the TAL-U-NO-LX.

T. Rex Delayby Max Project [Windows only]

T. Rex Delay is a simple and intuitive tempo-synced delay effect plugin with an integrated filter unit.

T. Rex Delay Miniby Max Project [Windows only]

T. Rex delay mini is a simple delay with a vintage analogue GUI design.

Multiplyby Acon Digital

Acon Digital Multiply is a free and versatile chorus effect with a unique twist.
Each simulated voice is processed with a phase randomizing filter so that unpleasant comb filter effects are avoided.

A1 Trigger Gateby A1AUDIO

If you are looking for the right groove or just an interesting rhythmic pattern, this plugin will provide you with some random patterns that you might not would’ve been able to come up with otherwise.

Hysteresisby Glitch Machines

Hysteresis is a free glitch delay plugin geared toward creating robotic artifacts and abstract musical malfunctions.

Fractureby Glitchmachines

Fracture is a free buffer effect plugin geared toward creating robotic artifacts and abstract musical malfunctions.

Atom Dynamic Filterby Sine Vibes

Atom is a filter with focus on dynamic, tempo-synchronised modulation.

Sanford Reverbby Leslie Sanford

The Sanford Reverb is a versatile reverb capable of simulating many kinds of spaces.

Sanford Delayby Leslie Sanford

The Sanford Delay is a VST stereo delay effect.
It's an easy to use delay that gets the job done quickly and efficiently.

TAL-DUB-Xby Togu Audio.

Vst AL-Dub-X is no emulation of a specific hardware delay effect and it has its own special sound. Don’t expect one of the very clean digital delays.

CREV-01by Bc.Lab

The CREV-01 convolution reverb has advanced controls including pre-delay, frequency shaping, stereo balance, width, decay damping, and gate amongst others.

Space 360by cytoSonic

Behind its no-nonsense interface there is a complex implementation of three distinct, yet interdependent algorithms for direct reflections, early reflections, and late reflections.

Free VST Plugins - Saturators & Distortion Units

Tube/Valve Overdriveby Voxengo

Tube Amp is an audio effect that applies asymmetric tube triode overdrive usually found in single-tube microphone pre-amp boxes.

Revivalby Slate Digital [Requires an iLok 2]

Revival is a new type of Sonic Enhancer.
Borrowing aspects of tubes, tape, transformers, and world-class analog filters, it can be used on individual tracks – for adding air to pop vocals or fatness to drums, for instance – but it is also amazing during the mastering stage to bring out details in full mixes.

Delta Modulatorby Xfer Records

Unlike traditional bit-crushers, Delta Modulator uses delta modulation, resulting in a sound similar to what you'd hear in Nintendo NES gaming console's sampling channel.

IVGIby Klanghelm

IVGI can deliver very soft and subtle saturation that feels like home on the master buss, but it is equally capable of very dense and dirty distortion effects to spice up single tracks.

Guitar Gadgetsby Music Entropy

Guitar Gadgets is a compilation of 'false' analog guitar pedal simulations, made to be used mainly with electric guitars and guitar amp simulations, but which may be sound interesting in any situation.

Saturation Knobby Softube

The free plugin Saturation Knob is a modeled output distortion that can be used anywhere you need some grit.
Use it to fatten up bass lines, add some harmonics, and shimmer to vocals, or simply destroy your drum loop.

Thump 2by Metric Halo

Thump is ideal for beefing up a kick drum, add low end to percussive tracks, recreate classic drum synth sounds, and more.


With its bit crushing and downsampling algorithms, Krush combines the crispy taste of the digital realm with the warmth of its drive stage and analog modeled resonant filters.
A modulation section allows you to quickly add extra life to the sound by modulating any parameter.

SGA 1566by Shattered Glass Audio

SGA1566 is loosely based on a single channel vintage tube preamplifier.

Ace Ampby Shattered Glass Audio

Ace is a faithful digital emulation of a legendary 1950s, American, all tube, tweed, 5W amp.

Greed Smasherby Mercuriall

Greed Smasher is a stompbox modeled after the Ibanez TS-808 with drive, tone, level, input gain, mod switch, mono/stereo, and quality switch controls.

FuzzPlus 3by Audio Damage

FuzzPlus 3 is a vintage fuzz pedal model that includes a filter, self-feedback, and a modern procedural user interface.

Frohmageby Ohm Force

Far from being cheesy, as its unique interface suggests at first sight, Frohmage delivers warmth, dirt, and much more at a professional audio quality.

La Petite Excite

La Petite Excite is a small exciter plugin and it can lead you into a brighter future when used wisely.

Clipshifterby LVC-Audio

ClipShifter is a wave-shaping audio plugin that functions like a clipping-style limiter.

Free VST Plugins - Compressors & Limiters

Kotelnikovby Tokyo Dawn Records

TDR Kotelnikov is a wideband dynamics processor combining high fidelity dynamic range control with deep musical flexibility.

MJUC Klanghelm

MJUC jr. is a mix of the Mk1 and Mk2 of its big brother, the MJUC.
It combines very natural, dense compression characteristics of the early 1960’s with a more forward sounding approach and more harmonics.

DC1Aby Klanghelm

The DC1A looks like a one trick pony. But don't get fooled by its lack of additional controls.
You may be surprised on how well it works with different input signals. The DC1A is heavily program dependent and so is the saturation.

Molot Compressorby Vladg

Are you looking for a free VST compressor that adds coloration to your signal?
Then this is the plugin that you have been looking for.


Brickwall Loudness Maximizer Plugin with a clean transparent sound.
It is designed to retain the original character of the music as much as possible even at high compression levels.

Limiter Nº6by Vladg

The Limiter Nº6 comes with 5 modules: RMS compressor, peak limiter, high-frequency limiter, clipper, and a true peak limiter with a very high-quality signal processing to use for mastering purposes.

Free VST Plugins - EQ's


MQ57 is a parametric equalizer designed for mastering.

Marvel GEQby Voxengo

Marvel GEQ is a linear-phase 16-band graphic equalizer plugin with multi-channel operation support for professional music production applications.

TDR Novaby Tokyo Dawn Records

NOVA is a parallel dynamic equalizer and it comes with a similar layout to a parametric equalizer.
Each band also includes a full featured dynamics section allowing the processor to cover an impressively wide range of applications.

Ochreby Acustica

Ochre is an EQ with 3 parametric bands, individually switchable.

SonEQ by Sonimus

SonEQ is a digital equalizer that takes parts from some vintage gear and combines them into one.
SonEQ has 3 bands: bass, middle, and treble and it also comes with a pre-amp section.

TDR VOS SlickEQby Tokyo Dawn Records

TDR VOS SlickEQ is a mixing/mastering equalizer designed for ease of use, musical flexibility and impeccable sound.

Nova-67Pby Vladg

Nova-67P is a parallel parametric equalizer plugin combined with a compressor.
The compressor can optionally operate in frequency dependent and split-band modes. In this case the plugin operates as a parallel dynamic equalizer.

Luftikusby Ikjb

Luftikus is a digital adaptation of an analog EQ with fixed half-octave bands and additional high frequency boost.
As an improvement to the hardware it allows deeper cuts and supports a keep-gain mode where overall gain changes are avoided.

Baxter EQby Variety of Sound [Windows only]

BaxterEQ – transparent mastering and mix buss shelving EQ.

Free VST Plugins - Vocal Production

TAL Vocoderby Togu Audio

TAL-Vocoder is a vintage vocoder emulation with 11 bands that emulates the sound of vocoders from the early 80’s.

Pitchproofby Aegian Music

Pitchproof is an audio plugin that can shift the pitch of the input.
The effect is meant to combine old styles of pitch shifting with the quality you expect from modern plugins.
The result is this pitch pedal simulation that has most of what is great about guitar harmonizer pedals, and still preserves the signal's integrity.

MAuto Pitchby Melda Production

Synth1 64 Bit

MAutoPitch is a simple but great sounding automatic pitch correction plugin designed for vocals and other monophonic instruments.

Vocal Kingby Routenote

Vocal King is a plugin built to bring out the presence and clarity in your recorded vocals.

Proximityby Tokyo Dawn Records

The plugin is an easy to use distance “pan-pot” based on several psycho-acoustic models.

Cubase Vst Download

The idea is to give mixing engineer a reliable tool which allows him to manipulate the “depth” of several sound sources in a straightforward and convincing manner.

Free Vst Download Site

Duetby Martin Eastwood

Double-tracking/harmonizer effect developed to enhance vocals or instruments, such as guitars, by thickening the sound and adding a rich glossy sheen to your audio material.

Free VST Plugins - Mixing & Metering Tools

Stereo-Widenerby Voxengo

This professional audio plugin implements a classic technique of transforming a monophonic track into spacious stereophonic track by means of mid/side coding technique.

Panipulatorby Boz Digital Labs

Panipulator is an essential tool for checking how your mixes will translate to different systems.
And the best of all, it’s available for free.

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Mucoder Hypercyclic

Mucoder Hypercyclic is a an LFO-driven MIDI arpeggiator, gate effect, and step sequencer for mangling sustained MIDI input chords.

SPANby Voxengo

SPAN is a free real-time “fast Fourier transform” audio spectrum analyzer plugin for professional music and audio production applications.

mV Meterby TB Pro Audio

mvMeter is a multivariable meter including RMS, EBUR128, VU, and PPM measurement.

StereoTool V3by Flux

StereoTool V3 offers ultra-precise control of input gain and individual pan for left and right channels and accurate visual feedback reflecting the signal.

LFX-1310 Multi Effectorby Sonic Cat

Vst Host Download

LFX-1310 is a free plugin multi-effector including 24 types of algorithm and 3 serial slots.
This freeware is the stand-alone version of Effecting Module of Ravity-S & Ravity-R.
Every algorithm realizes the very effect you have on your mind, and is fully optimized for low CPU load.
Jump back to the top!


Synth1 Vst Download Torrent 2017 Hd

If you know about any other incredible plugins that we might have missed, and that you believe should be included in this list, let us know in the comments – we’ll keep updating this list!
Don’t forget to bookmark this to stay updated!
Also, if you are looking to get even more software, check out this huge list of the Best Kontakt Libraries in 2017!